Open-source IoT Platform

Device management, data collection, processing and visualization for your IoT solution

We provide everything you need to build an amazing IoT project

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Follow this simple Guide and Get Started with CavyIoT.


The same APIs that drives our user interface is available to you.


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100% Open-source

The platform is 100% Open-source and we provide HTTP RESTful APIs with well documentation so anyone can build and Deploy a IoT Project.

Developer Activity

developer activity

Interact with CavyIoT API to power your application

API Reference

API Libraries

Our entire platform, accessible through our HTTP RESTful API

Powerful libraries to empower your development

How trigger works-

image/svg+xml click to read more Sensors click to read more Functions in CavyIoT core click to read more Triggers Input data Set Triggers Detects Trigger Event Trigger Action Set conditional triggersto evaluate incomingtelemetry data to detectevents in process orequipment Input data collected from one or moreIoT devices placedat different locations Functions in CavyIoT CoreDetects user defined eventsand trigger actionswhen events occur Sends control signal toIoT device when triggeraction occurs

CavyIoT Trigger is a free and fully managed service that lets user to define specific event of sensor data, to trigger an events for desired action. CavyIoT facilitates the user to define trigger by providing standerd UI. User can easily set the if and then logic for particular event and can select particular action from options to be triggered, when the defined event occurs. CavyIoT continuously monitors data from multiple IoT sensors to detect events, and triggers alerts and actions in response to the events based on the logic defined by user, to solve issues quickly, reduce maintenance costs, and increases the operational efficiency.



IoT Dashboard supported by any OpenSource Community-

Ready-to-use, fully managed and Real-Time bi-directional multimaster control panel is here-

Developers can customize almost everything on their IoT-Dashboard(Control Panel) and can control their device through the control panel.

  • Data visualization
  • Report generation
  • Full control over system
  • Automation
  • Log file of all operations and device status
  • Triggers 
  • Multimaster Control Panel
  • Automatic and manual mode
  • Live charts and Gauges


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